The EasyOven™ increases the benefits on the environment and peoples lives.

We all have those “light bulb” moments, you know……when you get an idea that hopefully will make a difference for someone. Inventing the EasyOven was one of those
moments for me!  

I have always been an avid traveller, backpacking around the world and experiencing countries in their raw form rather than only seeing the tourist destinations. This passion has taken me to countries in post war Europe, the depths of Africa and as well as Asia. In almost all cases I noticed that the nearest and cheapest energy source used for survival was firewood, and it always saddened me to see the deforestation of these beautiful countries.

In March 2013, I was invited to attend and demonstrate the EasyOven at a conference,
‘The UN Global Alliance Clean Cookstoves’, which is an initiative lead by the United Nations Foundation. This was held in Phnom Penh the political, economic, and cultural center of Cambodia and a population of 4.8 million.

Our aim was to show the energy efficient cooking process of the EasyOven, and its ability to save lives by reducing smoke inhalation as well as improving and protecting the environment and creating work opportunities.

I was fortunate enough to have my parents, on their first overseas trip, join me on our first excertion.
We went to a small village, about two hours bus drive from Phnom Penh, to look at a factory that made clean cook stoves, which were being used in Cambodia.

It was here that we could see first hand the positive impact these projects have on local people by creating jobs. It was a great experience meeting, demonstrating, networking and traveling with
‘like minded’ people from around the world.

The message I received from the seminars was that there is an increasing need for energy and this has forced the world to think of ways to improve its’ efficiency when using energy.

Since my trip to Cambodia EasyOven has partnered Global Aid organisations that are looking to the future by helping co-ordinate reforestation projects around the world. These projects not only look at planting trees, but also show how we can reduce carbon emissions.

Whilst we are only a very small piece in the overall puzzle we feel that there is a need to educate people on healthy eating habits as well understanding our ever-changing climate.

We have continued to look for partners both at home in Australia and around the world to help educate people on the benefits of heat retention cooking with the EasyOven.

Get your hands on your own EasyOven today!

Great in your kitchen or a perfect addition to Camping, Boating & well pretty much Anything!